Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
How to organize and implement a Science Café - online | 18.10.2022 14:00 - 17:00 (Tue) | online | Dr. Klinkert, Anette |
Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration and save the dates. When participants do not show up or cancel on a very short notice, other interested parties are denied a chance to participate.
For doctoral candidates of all disciplines.
A science café is an opportunity for an audience to engage with scientists outside of a formal situation, such as in a lecture theatre or laboratory, and meet in the comfortable, informal atmosphere such as in a café , or in another informal setting where refreshments are available. Citizens can exchange with the expert(s) and learn something about the work they do and are encouraged to ask critical questions. The goal of these event types is to create a vivid dialogue and interaction between the experts and the public so that both gain new perspectives.
Participants will
- learn about the steps to be undertaken ahead of the science café
- learn how toi determine a topic and how to reach their target groups
- learn what needs to be done during the event
- learn how to post-process a science café
If there are free spots, we also allow postdocs to participate.
Course Capacity:
Course Language:
Work Units:
Budget Points:
PDF template:
BUA (en)
Dr. Annette Klinkert