!!ABGESAGT!! Research Integrity: On Doing Sound and Ethical Science (Natural and Life Sciences) - New: Online

Research Integrity: On Doing Sound and Ethical Science (Natural and Life Sciences)09.11.2022 09:00 - 15:00 (Wed)onlineDr. Wilkins, Adam
Research Integrity: On Doing Sound and Ethical Science (Natural and Life Sciences)10.11.2022 09:00 - 15:00 (Thu)onlineDr. Wilkins, Adam
Research Integrity: On Doing Sound and Ethical Science (Natural and Life Sciences) 18.11.2022 09:00 - 15:00 (Fri)onlineDr. Wilkins, Adam

Dieser Workshop wurde leider abgesagt.


Please note that all participants for courses on Research Integrity will first be placed on a waiting list. You will shortly receive a confirmation message if places are available.

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration and save the dates. When participants do not show up or cancel on a very short notice, other interested parties are denied a chance to participate.

Participant Profile

Candidates in all years of PhD studies in the Natural and Life Sciences of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, und Universität Potsdam.


Objectives are to give students a comprehensive sense of what it takes to do science professionally and ethically. It is commonly assumed that students will automatically pick up what they need to know about science by simply observing others in the lab. Of course, a great deal can be learned that way but if the more experienced scientists who are the role models are themselves defective in some of their practices, young scientists who are learning from them can miss out or even be misled about important matters. This workshop aims to make clear what the essential elements of good scientific practice are, both in terms of professional standards of what constitutes good science, and the ethical dimensions of scientific work. A key point is that matters of what seem like purely professional standards in research are often intimately linked with matters of ethics and responsible conduct toward others and science itself.



The workshop 'On Doing Sound and Ethical Science' will consist of three parts: the first will be a three hour introduction to the different elements of the subject and how they fit together; the second, a written assignment, involving a choice of topics, to be carried out over several weeks, by two or three students working together, and; third, a final session, in which we meet together and discuss the contributions.
This course comprises 16 work units


Please Note:

This course is open for doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance and Universität Potsdam. All those eligible have to sign up via the Dahlem Research School course booking platform.

If there are free spots, we also allow postdocs to participate.

Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
PDF template: 
BUA (en)
Dr. Adam Wilkins