Writing Café SPECIAL - every morning for a whole week

Writing Café SPECIAL - online18.09.2023 09:00 - 22.09.2023 11:00 (Mon)Dr. Anselm Spindler



For all doctoral researchers of all disciplines of the Berlin University Alliance (Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität, Technische Universität und Charité)


The goal of the Writing Café is to give you the opportunity to regularly devote time to your writing projects among peers. Since the beginning of the year the Writing Café takes place every Thursday ( 9-11 am + 6-8 pm). 

This month we have planned something special: You can focus amongst others on your writing every morning for whole week wit ha trainer present. Anselm will offer short inputs and be available for individual questions and consultations. 

During your writing slots: Prepare your worksplace, turn on an out-of-office alert, turn off your phone, and use the time to focus on your writing! 


After registering you will find the passcode to enter the room under "ressources".  


After this week you can continue joining the Writing Café weekly. Sign up here: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/node/84381 


Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
PDF template: 
BUA (en)
Dr. Anselm Spindler