Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
DRS Podcast workshop series and QA sessions | 16.03.2023 12:00 - 12:00 (Thu) |

DRS Podcast workshop series and QA sessions
The Dahlem Research School podcast for prospective and current doctoral researchers was created to help support individuals who are considering a doctorate or who are already working on a doctorate. Across various seasons of the podcast, you’ll hear from former and current researchers talking about their experiences with the doctorate and in their transition to the job market after completing their doctorate as well as from various experts at the Freie Universität and beyond. We hope this podcast will help support you in successfully navigating the challenging and exciting doctoral process. After the release of an episode, short workshops will be offered where the topic can be discussed in more depth or experts will be invited to answer your questions. Three seasons are currently being planned. If you would like to be informed about the release of a new episode via our newsletter, sign up here.
Season I "Looking back at the doctorate" focuses on doctoral graduates sharing useful experiences. Additionally, we will offer a series of short workshop on the topic of “career planning”.
In Season II “Frequently asked questions” experts will answer a lot of questions and make themselves available for Q&A sessions following the release of the episodes. We will also offer in-depth input on research ethics, doing a doctorate abroad, the supervisor agreement and many more.
Season III “Mental Health during your doctorate” will address potential crisis that may arise during the early career stages of a researcher. The third season is expected to be released by the end of the year.
You will find all dates for the short workshops and QA sessions in Lounjee. Please check the pdf below for access information.
Find the link(s) to the overview of the Q&A sessions and short workshops here. https://blogs.fu-berlin.de/drs_podcast/workshops/