Presentation Skills for Academics: Engaging the Listener in your Talk

Presentation Skills for Academics: Engaging the Listener in your Talk28.11.2022 09:00 - 17:00 (Mon)onlineOquita, Ric
Presentation Skills for Academics: Engaging the Listener in your Talk29.11.2022 09:00 - 17:00 (Tue)Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstr. 16Oquita, Ric

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration and save the dates. When participants do not show up or cancel on a very short notice, other interested parties are denied a chance to participate. 

For this event, the hygiene concept in the rooms of Hittorfstr. 16 must be followed. 


For doctoral candidates of all disciplines with some presentation experience.


This is an activity-based workshop led by theatre professionals whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. Repetition is a key aspect of the training so that participants can strenghten the narrative, the emotional tone, and the physicality of the talk in order to define and support the speaker's own dynamic style.


The seminar provides participants the opportunity to perfect their public-speaking skills. Constructive feedback from the trainer and group members as well as videotaping give the speaker a healthy amount of input while perfecting public-speaking skills. Participants will be required to prepare a 3 to 5 minute pitch or overview of their work incorporating also the use of a slide. This will provide a basis for applying the practical aims of the workshop.

  • Concisely introducing yourself: practice your "pitch"
  • Engaging the audience in one's talk
  • Affirming the strenghts and individual style of the speaker
  • Improving body language
  • Effectively promoting oneself
  • Develop strong tactics for effective communication
  • Receiving video-feedback


If there are free spots, we also allow postdocs to participate.

Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
Work Units: 
Budget Points: 
PDF template: 
DRS (en)
Ric Oquita