Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
Let's Write! | 20.05.2021 17:00 - 20:30 (Thu) | online | Dr. Adams, Andrea |
For all doctoral candidates and postdocs of all disciplines.
Can you work and concentrate best in the evening? Would you like to do this with other writers? The online event "Let's write - Writing in the Evevining" supports doctoral researchers in concentrated writing during those for you, productive evening hours. Doing this together makes it easier!
The online workshop begins with a mini-input on writing (writing tips or writing method), followed by two 1.5-hour writing sessions, interrupted by a short break. During the break the participants have the possibility to briefly report on their writing project. Next to the writing time, you also have the opportunity to receive a writing consultation.
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PDF template:
PDP (en)
Dr. Andrea Adams