Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
Freely available - How does Open Access benefit you as a researcher? | 04.02.2021 10:00 - 13:00 (Thu) | online | Stumptner, Annette |

The Berlin University Alliance (BUA) is an alliance of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Together, they are pursuing the goal of creating and shaping an integrated research space in Berlin. This alliance aims to establish Berlin as a leading international science location. All workshops and events offered by the Graduate Studies Support Program are funded by the BUA and therefore free of charge.
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers (all disciplines) of the Berlin University Alliance.
Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration. Please check our terms and conditions.
Open Access - the free access to academic publications - changes publication cultures across disciplines. What are the consequences for early stage researchers and why is Open Access important for their own profile as well as the research community as a whole?
The workshop will provide a first overview touching on basic aspects of Opan Access:
what are the pros and cons?
which degree of openness is possible? What types of licences are available?
how and where can I make my research freely accessible? Does it profit the visibility of my work?
what are the possibilities for financial support at Freie Universität Berlin?
which Open Access services are available at Freie Universität Berlin?
which tools and resources can I use as an author or reader?
- input
- group work
- discussion
- excercises
Course Capacity:
Course Language:
Work Units:
Budget Points:
PDF template:
PDP (en)
Anette Stumptner, Dr. Agnieszka Wenninger
Mini Workshop