Research Integrity: Good Scientific Practice

Good Scientific Practice02.02.2021 10:00 - 17:00 (Tue)onlineDr. Peter Schröder

Please note that all participants for courses on Research Integrity will first be placed on a waiting list. You will shortly receive a confirmation message if places are available.


Participant profile

Candidates in all years of doctoral research of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Universität Potsdam.



  • Enhanced and supporting problem awareness in good scientific practice

  • Obeying the rules of good scientific practice during daily research

  • Problem identification, evasion and solving



  • DFG guidelines on Good Scientific Practice

  • History, basic rules and recommendations

  • Conflict in academia

  • Ethical aspects of academic research

  • Research involving humans and derived data

  • Documentation

  • Intellectual property: citing and using IP

  • Creating new intellectual property

  • Critically reflecting your steps



The workshop will pick up existing problems and work on solutions using a mixture of „ex-cathedra“ teaching, jointed and group phases. Results will be documented and circulated.

Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
Budget Points: 
PDF template: 
PDP GWP (en)
Dr. Peter Schröder